Contact and Feedback
Since CAEN is an informal network of freelance academic editors and other editorial professionals, we don’t have an address you can write to or a phone number you can call. We do, however, regularly check an email inbox, and we welcome your questions or comments.
Click here to send us a message. You may want to get in touch with us if:
- you can’t find an editor for your project on our CAEN Editors page. With your permission, we will post your detailed information to our moderated listserv of approximately 150 editors.
- you are interested in joining the CAEN listserv.
- you are an experienced editor interested in listing your profile on this website. Please submit a short introductory note, including a brief description of previous work and areas of interest. We require everyone new to the CAEN website to have a minimum of five years’ experience in academic editing and to live in eastern Massachusetts. Profiles are added each January and June, for a modest fee.
- you want to tell us someone has done a great job.
- you would like to give confidential feedback on work a CAEN editor has done with you. Positive or negative feedback is always valuable to an editor, and we urge you to give feedback directly to the person you’ve been working with. However, in the rare situation when your editor and you cannot work things out, please click here to email us. A small group of longtime CAEN editors who are responsible for the website, listserv, referrals, and feedback will be in touch with you. We will hold your comments in strictest confidence and try to help you resolve the problem.
- you have questions or comments about CAEN or this website.
Copyright © 2024 Cambridge Academic Editors Network